CEDIC team goes Namibia - Part #2 Hidden Treasures in Vela
Gum-nebulae and big open star clusters
NGC 2547
Hidden Treasures in Vela is the topic of Part #2 of our image presentation, where we want to share the results
from our astrophotography-trip to DeepSkySafaris in Namibia.
The constellation Vela is known for the giant Vela Supernova Remnant, whose fine red-blue-green filaments
can be found almost everywhere in this region. This is why these structures run through many of the images
in this post. But in Vela you can also discover many nebulae from the Gum catalogue and open star clusters, from
small to large. For one or the other emission nebula from the Gum catalogue, it is worth using a
longer focal length (Gum 15, Gum 19), large representatives like Gum 17 require significantly larger image angles.
NGC 2547, Pismis 4 and Trumpler 10 are relatively large representatives of the open star clusters in Vela.
Gum 19 wide field - B. Hubl
Gum 15
NGC 2547 wide field
Gum 19 - B. Hubl
Pismis 4
Trumpler 10
Trumpler 10 wide field